Where is my point-of-sale material?

Where exactly is my point-of-sale material placed? How is it placed? Is it well organized? Which store is using it and which not?

Retail Tracking gives you the answer to all your questions!

This innovative online platform will make it easier for you to track and analyse your offline marketing material.


Very easy, very smart & very useful.

• A smart QR-sticker will be placed on your POS-material
• Your sales representative will scan & fill it in on the shopfloor
• You will get access to your online platform

Let’s make your offline marketing activations, digitally available!


Step 1: Scan QR

After the POS is settled instore, the sales representative will follow the QR-code manual.

Step 2: Fill in required fields 

After scanning the QR-sticker, the sales representative has to fill in the fields, instore.

Step 3: See your platform

You can track and analyse your offline activations, 24/7!


To enter your digital POSM-world?

Where you can track your offline activations, whenever you want.

Book a meeting with us and we will share a demo version.