Be original, profitable and sustainable: it’s on every marketing agenda. As a company you are constantly working to boost sales. But also looking at how to deal with the environment in a more conscious way. Not an easy task, but our solution will get you a long way: the eco-display. A point-of-sale display that is as attractive as all the presentations we create. But durable and easy to transport. Made of plywood (FSC), packed in a flat package and without plastic. And we are quite proud of that.
Change the world
Change is needed. Sustainability is needed. We are all working to leave future generations behind the best we can and to reduce our footprint. It’s not without reason that we are committed worldwide to combating plastic use as much as possible. Investing in renewable energy, reducing waste and looking for new, sustainable options. If you don’t opt for a sustainable solution now, you will miss the boat. Or worse, you lose the customer’s trust.
Made of wood. Not made of cardboard.
Our eco-display is made of wood. Not made of cardboard. Sound contradicting? We don’t think so. Cardboard is for sale as a sustainable material for a display. Is that so? Did you know that a cardboard display is only used for two or three weeks on average? In other words, if you want to use different displays as a brand, more production is needed. More transport. More CO2 emissions. Does it still sound like a sustainable solution? No. That is why we developed an eco-display. A display that can be reused, is equally sturdy and is easy to transport. No more need for pretence. The time for change is NOW.
Eco-display advantages
- Made of plywood (FSC): easy to use and reuse for a longer period (approx. 2 years)
- Suitable for a longer period on the shop floor: less CO2 emissions get lost during production
- Comes as a ‘building kit’: flat packed, allowing us to transport more displays. Reduce on the transport-related costs and CO2 emissions that get lost during transport.
- Assembly within 4 minutes
- Can hold 45 kilos per shelf
Watch how fun and easy our eco-display is