How shopper marketing attracts the shopper’s attention and motivation to buy your product..

Can you imagine yourself in a situation where you are going to the store to only buy that one product that you just needed? Almost impossible. Moreover, the path to purchase is not always a direct route. Shoppers face numerous options (shopper marketing tactics) along their shopping journey, and each one forces them to make a decision before they can move forward. Therefore, it is important to understand your potential customer’s attitudes, motivations, and behaviours.

To know and understand your customer is crucial, if you know your customer better, you can provide them with a great customer experience for your products, and in turn to maintain or increase customer retention. In this blog we will discuss the power of shopper marketing and how you can turn a shopper to a customer. Shopper marketing can be defined as a method that focuses on improving the shopping experience for (potential) customers in order to drive sales for instore at the point-of-purchase.

Why shopper marketing?

Because it is literally everywhere! A shopper enters the store, looking for the products he/she needs. Meanwhile, an overwhelming number of messages are trying to trigger the brain. The shopper comes across different brand communications before actually deciding the purchase. The power of shopper marketing is to attract the shopper’s attention and motivation to choose your product. Moreover, it tries to make appeals to shoppers at the moment when they are prepared to buy something, to make an immediate impact and directly influence behaviour. There are many shopper marketing strategies and tools that guide the potential shopper to become a buyer. Not just a buyer, but your product buyer.

Is shopper marketing interesting for manufacturers, retailers, or both?

The answer is both, however, with different purposes. Manufacturers want to maximize the chances that the shoppers will pick their products over another. Unlike manufacturers, retailers are trying to make the shopper choose their store rather than a product. However, to have a win-win situation with shopper marketing, it is best to attract a customer which is new to the brand as well as new to the retailer.

Examples of instore communications

To have the most successful shopper marketing, a variety of instore communications are needed to reach the shopper at multiple points on their patch to purchase. However, what is most important to reach your potential customer, is when the communication material reflects the identity of your brand. Without a fitting brand identity, the shopper marketing becomes less effective. There are many shopper marketing solutions for brands, we will discuss a few tactics.


Attention-grabbing displays make it easier for the potential customer to navigate the store. A good positioning in the store is important, for example the end-cap of an aisle. However, making the display attractive is not less important. For example, the counter display. The counter display is a type of communication material that can be positioned throughout the shop. It is an attractive tool for brands to introduce and present new products. Again, it is important to reflect the identity of the brand in order to reach customers.


It can be described as all the visual communications instore, such as signboards, window decoration, planters, etc. It serves as an ideal tool for that little bit of extra brand experience. Keep it simple and clear for the shopper. What does the product do? What is the message of your brand or product? Communicate this, do not overwhelm the shopper with too much information.

Shelf talkers

Especially designed to grab the attention of shoppers, perfect to highlight your product and to increase the sales. Shelf takers can be strips or small standings on store shelving to draw the shopper’s attention. Provide some unique selling points and guide the shopper through your products.

It is not easy to find the right shopper marketing solutions for your brand. Do you want to read more about customized brand solutions? Please, the ‘solutions’ bottom will guide you to the right page.


At Retail Communications we analyse the market for you. We conceptualize, design, and produce retail communications from the DNA of the brand and through the eyes of the customer. Are you looking for more shopper marketing ideas? We would love to get in touch and we are happy to be of service.

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